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In Jamaica the herb called Dog Blood Bush (botanical name Rivina humilis) is widely used to resolve womb-related conditions such as infertility, irregular periods, painful periods, fibroids and cysts.

This potent fertility herb is deep-rooted in traditional Jamaican bush medicine, with teachings of its benefits being passed down through generations. Grandmothers teach their daughters, who in turn teach their daughters to take Dog Blood Bush when faced with reproductive challenges.

Now this popular Jamaican herb has been discovered by the mainstream and its effectiveness is being put to question. Can Dog Blood Bush really help with infertility? To a skeptic it may sound like common folklore, but there is some scientific basis to these claims. Research has shown that Dog Blood Bush is a potent anti-inflammatory that targets inflammation in the uterus. Specifically, it resolves inflammation of the Fallopian tubes allowing the easy fertilization of the ovum. This anti-inflammatory property is why it is also known as "inflammation weed". Dog Blood Bush also attends to fibroids and cysts in the womb, and is known to relieve painful period cramps and resolve irregular periods. That's why this herb is known in Jamaica as a young girl's best friend! The tea from this plant is noted to be very effective in rapidly healing wounds, bruises, and cuts – it prevents the wounds from becoming infected. You wash wounds and cuts with the tea three times a day until you see healing occurring.

Dog Blood Bush Tea

  • Steep a teaspoon of dried dog blood bush leaves in a tea strainer inside an 8oz cup, pour boiled water over and allow to sit for about fifteen minutes. After waiting, you must remove the strainer with the tea mixture, and your tea is ready!  It is usually sweetened with honey or cane sugar. It can also be consumed without any flavoring depend on each indiviual person. After the tea in the strainer dries, it can be used up to 2 more times before discarding.

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